Steven Shaumeyer's report provides an in-depth assessment of the Western Cass Fire Protection District, conducted an analysis of two years of call data for compliance with the National Fire Protection Association that governs standards nationwide for Fire Districts. Download the full report below. See the concerns he reports about failing to meet NFPA standards.
The District still has no contract for fire service with Belton, W. Peculiar or Dolan W. Dolan Fire Districts. Belton approved a Fire Service Contract on February 28th, 2023- but THEN Board Chair John Webb refused to bring this offer to the Board of Directors for consideration. W. Peculiar and Dolan W. Dolan would have adopted this same contract which would have meant GUARANTEED coverage for the citizens of OUR District. Listen to Belton Fire Chief John Sapp report to the Feb 28, Belton City Council here:
Ask John Webb or Vice Chair or Board Chair Sue Hosterman why this contract was never brought to the board for a vote???
The contract did not require our district to call Belton, W. Peculiar or Dolan W. Dolan, nor was this an attempt to take over our fire district. These districts simply wanted to be reimbursed for the cost of responding to our FIRE calls ONLY- NOT the EMS calls.
Fire Chief Shaumeyer analyzed TWO years of call data and worst case scenario, it would have only cost our district approximately $40K PER YEAR if they had responded to every FIRE call. This contract would ensure GUARANTEED Fire coverage for the citizens in our district!!
Many people ask, "But I still see Belton EMS and Fire Trucks come to our district", why do they come if there is no contract?
Great question!
There is a difference between an AMBULANCE District and a FIRE DISTRICT. The citizens of the Western Cass Fire Protection District are in the boundary lines of the Belton Ambulance District.
More than 85% of the 911 calls are EMS, which means Belton is the official responder for these emergency calls.
Belton sends a Fire Truck for the safety of their own professionally trained and qualified First Responders and the protection of the citizens calling 911 for assistance.
Steven's original report of the Western Cass Fire Protection District was completed March of 2023. So, you ask- is his report still relevant?
Great question!
The same issues Steven documents in his report still exist today. Fire Chief Shaumeyer updated his report with call data through October 31, 2023 and still finds the same concerns.
Western Cass refuses to report to the Cass County Sheriff's office how many people are on scene, or even what equipment is on scene reporting to the 911 call. Other Fire Districts report this information. Ask yourself, why doesn't Western Cass report this information??? This is standard practice with all other Fire Districts.
Why would they do this you ask?
There are people showing up in personal vehicles responding to calls. This allows them to say they are on scene but it doesn't mean they have the necessary equipment to respond to the emergency from the 911 caller. Look at the updated Call Report below!
Fire Chief Steven Shaumeyer updated his original report reviewing call data through October 31st, 2023.